Install Certificate

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SSL certificates are how websites and services earn validation for the encryption on the data sent between them and their clients. They can also be used to verify that you are continued with the service y'all wish to be connecting with (east.m., am I actually signing into my email provider or is this a fraudulent clone?). If you lot are providing a website or service that requires a secure connection, you lot may wish to install an SSL document to validate your trustworthiness. Read on subsequently the jump to learn how.

  1. 1

    Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Earlier you tin can purchase and install an SSL document, y'all will need to generate a CSR on your server. This file contains your server and public key data, and is required to generate the private key. Y'all tin create a CSR in IIS viii with just a few clicks of the mouse:[ane]

    • Open the Server Manager.
    • Click Tools and select Net Information Services (IIS) Manager.
    • Select the workstation you are installing the certificate on under the Connections listing.
    • Open the Server Certificates tool.
    • Click the Create Certificate Request link in the upper-right corner, nether the Actions list.
    • Fill in the information in the Request Document sorcerer. You will need to enter your ii-digit country code, the land or province, city or town proper noun, full company name, section proper name (i.e. It or Marketing), and the mutual proper noun (typically the domain proper name).
    • Get out the "Cryptographic service provider" set to default.
    • Set up "Bit length" to "2048".
    • Name the document asking file. The file proper noun doesn't matter, as long every bit you tin can notice it among your files.
  2. 2

    Lodge your SSL document. There are several services online that offer SSL certificates. Make sure to only order from a reputable service, since you and your customer'southward security is at stake. Popular services include DigiCert, Symantec, GlobalSign, and more than. The best service for you will vary depending on your needs (multiple certificates, enterprise solutions, etc.).

    • You will need to upload your CSR file to the document service when you order information technology. This volition be used to generate the certificate for your server. Some providers will have you copy the contents of the CSR file, while others volition take you upload the file itself.


  3. three

    Download your certificates. You volition need to download the Intermediate Certificates from the service that yous purchased your certificates from. You volition receive your Primary Certificate via email or through the customer area of the website.

    • Rename the Primary Document to "yoursitename.cer".
  4. 4

    Open the Server Certificates tool in IIS again. From here, click the "Consummate Certificate Request" link underneath the "Create Certificate Request" link you lot clicked to generate a CSR.

  5. 5

    Scan for the certificate file. Once you've located it on your computer, y'all'll need to employ a "Friendly name" to it, which is the quick proper name for identifying the certificate on your server. Store the document in the "Personal" store. Click OK to install the document.

    • Your certificate should appear on the list. If it does not, ensure that you are using the same server that you generated the CSR on.
  6. six

    Bind the document to your website. Now that the certificate has been installed, y'all'll need to bind it to the website that you want to protect. Expand the "Sites" binder in the Connections list, and then click on the website.

    • Click the Bindings link in the Actions listing.
    • Click the Add button in the Site Bindings window that appears.
    • Select "https" from the "Type" dropdown menu, and select your installed certificate from the "SSL document" dropdown menu.
    • Press OK and then Close.
  7. 7

    Install the Intermediate Certificates. Find the Intermediate Certificates that y'all downloaded from the certificate provider. Some providers provide more than one certificate that needs to exist installed, while others merely accept 1. Copy these certificates to a dedicated folder on your server. [2]

    • Once the certificates accept been copied to the server, double-click it to open the Document Details.
    • Click the General tab. Click the "Install Certificate" button at the lesser of the window.
    • Select "Place all certificates in the following store" then browse for the Local shop. It can be found by checking the "Evidence physical stores" box, selecting Intermediate Certificates, and so clicking Local Reckoner.
  8. 8

    Restart IIS. In order to beginning distributing certificates, you'll need to restart your IIS server. To restart IIS, click Offset and so select Run. Blazon "IISREset" and so press Enter. The Command Prompt will appear and brandish the status of the IIS restart.[three]

  9. nine

    Test your document. Use various web browsers to test that your certificate is working properly. Connect to your website using "https://" to strength the SSL connection. Y'all should meet the padlock icon in your accost bar, ordinarily with a green background.


  1. i

    Generate a Document Signing Request (CSR). Before you tin purchase and install an SSL certificate, yous will need to generate a CSR on your server. This file contains your server and public fundamental information, and is required to generate the private fundamental. You can generate a CSR directly from the Apache command line:

    • Commencement the OpenSSL utility. This can usually be found at /usr/local/ssl/bin/
    • Create a key pair past entering the following command:
                                                          openssl                          genrsa –des3 –out world wide                          2048                        
    • Create a passphrase. This passphrase will need to exist entered whenever you interact with your keys.
    • First the CSR generation process. Enter the following command when prompted to create the CSR file:
                                                          openssl                          req –new –central –out                        
    • Make full out the requested information. You will need to enter your ii-digit country code, the country or province, city or town name, full company name, section proper noun (i.e. IT or Marketing), and the mutual proper noun (typically the domain name).
    • Create the CSR file. Once the data has been entered, run the following command to generate the CSR file on your server:[4]
                                                          openssl                          req -noout -text -in world wide                        
  2. 2

    Order your SSL certificate. At that place are several services online that offer SSL certificates. Make sure to only order from a reputable service, since y'all and your customer's security is at stake. Popular services include DigiCert, Symantec, GlobalSign, and more. The best service for you volition vary depending on your needs (multiple certificates, enterprise solutions, etc.).

    • You volition need to upload your CSR file to the document service when you order it. This volition be used to generate the document for your server.
  3. 3

    Download your certificates. You lot will need to download the Intermediate Certificates from the service that you lot purchased your certificates from. You will receive your Chief Document via e-mail or through the customer area of the website. Your key should await similar to this:

                                                -----                      Begin                      Document-----                      [                      Encoded                      Document]                      -----                      END                      CERTIFICATE-----                    
    • If the certificates are in a text file, you will need to alter it to a .CRT file before uploading it
    • Check the keys that y'all download. At that place should be five dashes "-" on either side of the Brainstorm Certificate and END CERTIFICATE lines. As well ensure that at that place are no extra spaces or line breaks inserted into the key.
  4. four

    Upload the certificates to your server. The certificates should be put in a folder dedicated to certificates and central files. An example location would exist /usr/local/ssl/crt/. All of your certificates need to be in the same folder.

  5. 5

    Open the "httpd.conf" file in a text editor. Some versions of Apache have an "ssl.conf" file for the SSL certificates. Just edit ane of the 2 if you have both. Add the following lines to the Virtual Host section: [five]

                                                SSLCertificateFile                      /usr/local/ssl/crt/primary.crt                      SSLCertificateKeyFile                      /usr/local/ssl/private/private.key                      SSLCertificateChainFile                      /usr/local/ssl/crt/intermediate.crt                    
    • Save the changes to the file once you are finished. Re-upload the file if necessary.
  6. 6

    Restart your server. Once the file has been changed, you can get-go using your SSL document by restarting your server. Well-nigh versions can be restarted past entering the following commands:

                                                apachectlp                      terminate                      apachectl                      startssl                    
  7. 7

    Test your certificate. Use diverse web browsers to examination that your certificate is working properly. Connect to your website using "https://" to force the SSL connection. You should encounter the padlock icon in your accost bar, ordinarily with a greenish background. [6]


  1. 1

    Generate a Document Signing Asking (CSR). Earlier you can purchase and install an SSL document, you will demand to generate a CSR on your server. This file contains your server and public central information, and is required to generate the private central.

    • Open the Exchange Management Console. You tin find this by clicking Get-go, clicking Programs, selecting Microsoft Exchange 2010, and so clicking Exchange Management Panel.
    • Once the program loads, click the Manage Databases link in the centre of the window.
    • Select "Server Configuration". This is located in the left frame. Click the "New Exchange Certificate" link in the Actions list on the correct side of the screen.
    • Enter a memorable name for the certificate. This is for your own convenience and reference, and will non affect the certificate.
    • Enter your configuration data. Exchange should automatically select the proper services, but if it does not yous tin can set them yourself. Make sure all of the services you need protected are selected.
    • Enter in your organisation information. You lot will need to enter your two-digit land lawmaking, the country or province, city or town name, full visitor name, section name (i.e. IT or Marketing), and the common proper name (typically the domain name).
    • Enter a location and name for the CSR file that will be generated. Make notation of this location for the certificate ordering process.
  2. ii

    Gild your SSL certificate. There are several services online that offer SSL certificates. Brand sure to but order from a reputable service, since you and your customer'south security is at pale. Popular services include DigiCert, Symantec, GlobalSign, and more than. The best service for yous volition vary depending on your needs (multiple certificates, enterprise solutions, etc.).

    • You will demand to upload your CSR file to the certificate service when you order it. This volition be used to generate the certificate for your server. Some providers will have you copy the contents of the CSR file, while others will have you upload the file itself.
  3. 3

    Download your certificates. You lot will need to download the Intermediate Certificates from the service that you purchased your certificates from. Yous will receive your Primary Certificate via email or through the customer area of the website.

    • Copy the certificate file that you receive to your Commutation server.
  4. 4

    Install the Intermediate certificate. In most cases, you can copy the provided certificate information into a text document and save it as "intermediate.cer". Open up the Microsoft Manage Console (MMC) past clicking Starting time, selecting Run, and and then typing in "mmc".[7]

    • Click File and select Add together/Remove Snap In.
    • Click Add, select Certificates, and then click Add once more.
    • Select Computer Business relationship so click Next. Choose Local Computer for the storage location. Click Finish and then OK. This will render you to the MMC.
    • Select Certificates in the MMC. Choose "Intermediate Certification Authorities" then select Certificates.
    • Right-click on Certificates, cull All Tasks, and so choose Import. Use the wizard to load the Intermediate Certificates that you obtained from your certificate provider.
  5. v

    Open the "Server configuration" section in the Exchange Management Panel. Come across Step i for information on how to open information technology. Click your certificate in the center of the window and then click the "Complete Pending Request" link in the Actions list.[eight]

    • Browse for your Chief certificate file and then click Complete. One time the document has been loaded, click Finish.
    • Ignore whatsoever errors that say the procedure failed; this is a common bug.
  6. 6

    Enable the certificate. In one case the certificate has been installed, click the "Assign Services to Certificate" link towards the bottom of the Actions list.

    • Select your server from the list that appears and click Side by side.
    • Select which services you want to protect with the certificate. Click Next, then Assign, and and so End.


  1. ane

    Generate a Certificate Signing Asking (CSR). Before y'all can purchase and install an SSL certificate, yous will need to generate a CSR on your server. This file contains your server and public key information, and is required to generate the private central.

    • Login to cPanel. Open up the command console and expect for the SSL/TLS Manager.
    • Click the "Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys" links.
    • Scroll down to the "Generate a New Key" section. Enter in your domain name, or select it from the drop-downwards carte. Select 2048 for "Key Size". Click the Generate push.
    • Click "Return to SSL Manager". From the main menu, select the "Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests" link.
    • Enter in your arrangement's information. You lot volition need to enter your two-digit country code, the state or province, city or town name, total company name, section name (i.e. IT or Marketing), and the common name (typically the domain name).
    • Click the Generate push button. Your CSR will exist displayed. You tin can re-create this and enter it into your certification social club form. If the service requires the CSR as a file, copy the text into a text editor and relieve it as a .CSR file.
  2. 2

    Order your SSL document. There are several services online that offer SSL certificates. Make sure to simply club from a reputable service, since you and your customer'due south security is at stake. Popular services include DigiCert, Symantec, GlobalSign, and more. The best service for you will vary depending on your needs (multiple certificates, enterprise solutions, etc.).

    • You will demand to upload your CSR file to the certificate service when you order it. This will be used to generate the certificate for your server. Some providers volition have you re-create the contents of the CSR file, while others will accept you upload the file itself.
  3. 3

    Download your certificates. Y'all will need to download the Intermediate Certificates from the service that you purchased your certificates from. You will receive your Primary Document via email or through the customer area of the website.

  4. 4

    Open the SSL Director menu again in cPanel. Click the "Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates" link. Click the Upload button to browse for the document that yous received from the document provider. If the certificate came every bit text, paste it into the box in the browser.

  5. five

    Click the "Install SSL Document" link. This will finalize the installation of the SSL certificate. Your server volition restart, and your document will begin being distributed.

  6. 6

    Test your certificate. Apply various web browsers to test that your certificate is working properly. Connect to your website using "https://" to force the SSL connection. You lot should run across the padlock icon in your address bar, usually with a green background.


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Article Summary Ten

1. Generate a CSR on your server.
ii. Order a document.
3. Download the certificate.
4. Upload the certificate to the server.
5. Enter the cert info in httpd.conf or ssl.conf.
6. Restart Apache.

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